Puppy Care with Downtown Dog Lounge

Lay the foundation for a well-adjusted, confident adult dog. In their exclusive front spot at our South Lake Union location, your pup will learn to temper fear and excitement by interacting in our busy environment. They will socialize with our attentive staff and every two hours get a brief walk through the courtyard, giving them experience on a lead and helping them with potty training. At DDL, we make early socialization fun, ensuring your furry friend grows up with the best behaviors and experiences. Please note: This program is exclusively offered at our SLU location.
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Our Puppy Private Enrichment Features

Our Puppy Private Enrichment program is crafted for pups aged 2 to 6 months who haven't received all their vaccinations yet. We're dedicated to setting the stage for your young canine companion, guiding them towards becoming sociable and well-adjusted adults.

Safe Spots for Tiny Paws

For our youngest attendees (2-4 months) without full vaccinations, we've designated exclusive front spots at our SLU location. We mix routines, socialization (with their surroundings) and attention to keep your puppy engaged, confident, and on their best behavior.

Ready for the Big Park?

Pups aged 4-6 months with complete vaccinations are in for a treat! After a thorough evaluation, they're introduced to our lively parks, where play and socialization (mainly with other pups) take center stage.

Pricing Options

Choose from a range of flexible pricing options tailored to fit your dog’s daycare needs. Does your pup deserve something extra during their time at daycare? Discover our add-ons here.
Package Options
Daily Session
  • A day of enrichment activities, including playtime, bark breaks, and one-on-one attention to ensure your puppy's development and socialization with people, sounds, smells,etc.

at South Lake Union

Experience our unique Puppy Private Enrichment program solely at our SLU location, dedicated to providing unparalleled care and training for your young pup.

How to Get Started With Puppy Private Enrichment

Dive into a world of early socialization and playful learning with Downtown Dog Lounge's Puppy Private Enrichment. Set the stage for your puppy's lifelong positive behaviors and interactions in just 
a few steps.
Set Up Your Puppy's Profile
Kickstart the journey by creating a profile for your puppy on our platform. This will be your main portal for all bookings and interactions with us.
Upload Vaccination Records
Before your puppy joins the fun, ensure you've uploaded their up-to-date vaccination records. This provides a safe environment for all our furry guests.
Book Your Time Slot
Choose and book the Puppy Private Enrichment slot that suits your schedule. Remember, spots are limited at our exclusive SLU location, so early booking is recommended.
Understand the Puppy Requirements
While a New Dog Evaluation isn't necessary for puppies, they should be between 8 and 16 weeks old and have their first DHPP booster.

Ready for Your Pup to Learn, Play & Grow?

Dive into a world of early socialization and playful learning, setting the stage for your puppy's lifelong positive behaviors. Join us and let the fun begin!
“The staff took such great care of Phoebe! I could tell that she had a great time there, and so did everyone else because they didn’t want her to leave. We’ll definitely be coming back."
Hunter Baril


Find answers to commonly asked questions.
At what age can my puppy start the Puppy Private Enrichment program?

Your puppy can start the Puppy Private Enrichment program at 8 weeks (2 months).

Are there any vaccination requirements for my puppy?

Yes, puppies need to have their first booster for DHPP before joining. They don't need the latest Rabies or DHLPP booster if they're participating in human exposure training. However, for puppy or park exposure, all vaccines are necessary.

Is spaying or neutering required for my puppy?

Puppies enrolled in our Puppy Privates can remain intact, as they are often too young for the spaying or neutering procedure. However, once a dog reaches 8 months of age, regardless of gender, they must be spayed or neutered to use any of our services, including grooming and training. By the age of 4-6 months, they should ideally graduate from Puppy Privates and transition to our park services.

How do I book a spot for my puppy?

You can easily book a reservation by emailing slu@downtowndoglounge.com or calling our SLU location at 206-492-7431. Remember, spots are limited, so booking in advance is essential.

What's the difference between regular boarding/daycare and the Puppy Private Enrichment?
Both boarding and daycare offer a nurturing environment for your puppy. However, there are some distinctions:
Puppy Private Enrichment
This service emphasizes structured activities and specific training exercises. Puppies enjoy one-on-one time with our employees, take a Bark Break every two hours, and are allowed toys and blankets for entertainment. They stay in a special puppy private spot, which parents can view via a webcam. The feeding schedule provided by parents is strictly adhered to.
Puppies in boarding receive dinner, more frequent Bark Breaks, and an overnight stay. Just like in the Puppy Private Enrichment, they are housed in a spot visible to parents through a webcam and are kept on the feeding schedule given by parents. They also get visits from our employees for individual attention.
What is a Bark Break?

A Bark Break is a 5-minute walk into the courtyard in front of the SLU campus. It's a chance for your puppy to go potty and practice basic leash manners with our trained staff.

Why is early socialization important for my puppy?

Early socialization with humans and other dogs reduces the risk of fear-based reactivity or aggression in new situations. It helps diminish separation anxiety over time, ensures successful trips to various places, and teaches them how to play appropriately.

Still have questions?

Contact us today for more information.
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